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Määritelmälaulu (live looping with TC Helicon Voicelive3 by Janne Koskela)

Janne Koskela music / Timbre Tones Microphones

Briefly in English below! Tämä laulu kuuluu samaan sarjaan edellisen julkaisun, Rikkaruohon kanssa (sointukiertokin on melkein sama): Teksti on tehty kieli poskessa ja pilke silmäkulmassa, mutta vakavasta aiheesta. Miten helppoa onkaan olla tyytyväinen itseensä, kun itse määrittelee vaatimustason. Itseänsä ihminen voi huijata, ja omantuntonsa totuttaa vaikka millaiseen vääryyteen. Mutta Jumalan edessä joudumme kerran vastaamaan tekemisistämme ja tekemättä jättämisistämme Hänen standardinsa mukaan: "Olkaa siis pyhät niin kuin minä olen pyhä." (esim 3. Moos 19:2). Siksi ei tässä ajassa kannata laskea rimaa oman mielensä mukaan, vaan tunnustaa: en pääse yli, edes silloin kun tahtoisin, Herra armahda minua! Jos sanomme, ettei meillä ole syntiä, niin me eksytämme itsemme, ja totuus ei ole meissä. Jos me tunnustamme syntimme, on hän uskollinen ja vanhurskas, niin että hän antaa meille synnit anteeksi ja puhdistaa meidät kaikesta vääryydestä. (1. Joh 1:8-9) Laulu on äänitetty olkkarilivenä ensimmäisenä rakentamallani kitaralla (esikuvana Martin 00-18), Voicelive3:n avustuksella. This song is titled "the Definition Song". It's about us people lowering the standards of morals to soothe our conscience. It's easy to love your neighbor – as long as your neighbor is loving you back; it's easy to do voluntary work for the poor - as long as you get enough appreciation and good salary - and you don't have to meet those stinky, dirty homeless people with lots of trouble… God's standard for us is simple: Be holy as I am holy. There's nothing low about that standard! The only downside is that we don't have it in ourselves, we can't do it. So, what do you do, when you realize you don't reach God's standard, even remotely? You either pretend you do did reach it. Some other people might believe you… Or you lose your hope and get depressed: There's nothing I can do, I am condemned anyway. But there is a third way. The Christian way: You confess God you are a sinner. And because of Jesus' suffering and death, God grants you his forgiveness and holiness. And He might even give you a bit of strength to do the things you're required. St John writes: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1. John 1:8-9) No reason to lie to yourself or anybody else anymore! The song is recorded live with my hand made Kenosis #1 guitar, through Voicelive 3. The Definition Song Oh, good ol´ Sun is shining the clouds they leave the sky when you come to realize: Oh, if your conscience blames and judges you re-definition is what you really need It´s easy to love ones neighbor dearly as long as the neighbor keeps loving you dearly too It´s not hard at all to give help in an unselfish manner as long as you get payed well enough doing so There he´s coming, my enemy and foe My charity and compassion just vanished away There he´s coming, that bastard, that prick I have no obligation to understand or show love to HIM! It´s easy to be happy of other people´s happines as long as you own businesses are even better than his It´s not hard at all to defend those who are the weak as long as I don´t get beaten or in trouble myself in doing so He sits right beside me in a crowded bus stinky and smelly, propably high of some drugs And now he´s trying to SPEAK TO ME! Oh shit, that´s disgusting! God help me! Oh, Life goes smooth and easy when you keep your standard nice and low Oh, easy going good times when you let yourself take the easy way

#live_looping #Janne_Koskela #Voicelive3 #TC_Helicon

I insamlingen Musiikkikeräys 2018


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