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MFF2016 / Galindez / Short Film
― Milano Film Festival
Galindez Diego Bruno, FIN, ARG, 2015, 22' Short Film Galindez è la voce al telefono che comanda un gruppo di uomini, torturatori di mestiere nell’Argentina repressa del 1972. Il regista Diego Bruno si ispira all’omonima opera teatrale dello psicoanalista e drammaturgo Eduardo Pavlovsky, lo intervista e approfondisce l’idea del sistema repressivo come strumento di tortura. -------------------------------------------------------- Galindez is the voice on the telephone that commands a group of men, torturers by trade in the Argentina under repression of 1972. The director Diego Bruno was inspired by the play with the same title by the psychoanalyst and playwright Eduardo Pavlovsky, interviews him and delves further into the idea of the repressive system as an instrument of torture.
#MFF2016 #MilanoFilmFestival #intervista #tortura
In harvest Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide
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