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2024/01/28: Jyväskylä, Finland: nature, Alexander Stubb's Stubbila, Finnish paintings@flea markets

(Mostly) Finnish life, events and culture

00:00 yesterday, I forgot (human error) to add the Stubbila clip to my main video and when I noticed this, it was too late - I didn’t want to re-render & -upload (a time-consuming process) the entire video. This is why it’s here. There are several Stubbila’s in the country offering free coffee and election merchandise (pins and the like aren’t free, though). This one is the Jyväskylä one situated at Kauppakatu 39 (see ). Note: in my yesterday’s dedicated interview video ( ) is shot in front of this very Stubbila. 01:16 today, we had mild weather - around 0C. (Which is very bad news for bikers like me because the snow partly (but not entirely) melts, making it far harder and infinitely more dangerous to ride in :( ) 01:20 river Tourujoki from the Lahjaharju vehicle bridge some 66 minutes before sunrise 02:24 Tapionkatu - Rajakatu crossing (62°15’0.36”N 25°44’39.48”E) 03:01 flower shop “Rose tree” (“Ruusupuu”), the self-service merchandise outside (if anything is left there) under some very thick snow 03:33 riding from there up until the start of Harjukatu 06:11 riding along Harjukatu 06:53 this is where “Temppeli” used to stand… 07:28 river Tourujoki from the Lohikoskentie pedestrian bridge 08:27 an electric switching statiion covered by tags at 62°15’51.48”N 25°46’18.12”E 09:13 (flea market section starts here): a mechanical clock 09:33 a Finnish painting depicting the “Paikkari Croft” (“Paikkarin torppa”) in Sammatti. It’s Elias Lönnrot's childhood home, the birthplace of the compiler of the Finnish national epic Kalevala. (Finnish Wiki: ) 09:46 Finnish painting 10:02 Finnish painting 10:12 Macs Gaming Tungsten 550 PC/PS4 gaming headphones, 10eur 10:23 a Hero G403 gaming mouse, 25eur. Not a bad price if you REALLY need this (kind of) mouse. 10:31 Angry Birds - Knock on wood 10:45 LP: American Pie 10:55 LP: Blood, Sweat & Tears 3 for 2eur, in good condition ( ). While not bad a price, didn’t get it as I don’t collect English language LPs unless they’re super-rare (which this LP definitely isn’t). 11:24 LP: Mike Oldfield: Crises 11:31 sealed VHS cassettes are getting pretty expensive: this Fuji SHG 240 costs 5eur 11:38 the Finnish 2-disc DVD releaase (this means it only has Finnish and Swedish subs - no more international ones!) of Hayao Miyazaki’s absolutely excellent “Princess Mononoke” (see ) 11:45 Nokia BH-705 earbuds for 25eur. Not bad a price. 11:51 I some weeks ago stated these wartime leaflets definitely wouldn’t be sold for the original 85eur. I was right: the seller gradually dropped the price, which is now 18eur. Now it’s getting definitely interesting… 11:56 two (Chinese) Legend of the Dragon DVDs 12:03 a Finnish board game (by Invalidiliiton Lahden Kuntoutuskeskus): “Know, Think, Dare - “a game about sexuality” (“Osaa Mieti Uskalla - peli seksuaalisuudesta”). I’ve videoed the entire manual and some cards 12:51 a bird’s drawing 12:59 the Finnish 3-disc DVD releaase (this one also features English subs!) of the 2001 South Korean epic action drama “Musa - The Warrior” for 7eur. 13:06 these design textiles aren’t made by Finnish Marimekko but by an English firm 13:18 various LPs 14:12 quite rare Finnish LP “Arttu Suuntala – Lapsuuden Pihapuu” ( ) for 6eur. Not my style - didn’t bother. 14:19 various LPs 14:37 a sealed German LP: Isolierband – Kontrolle +. Doesn’t seem to be the mega-rare & accordingly expensive test pressing ( ) 14:44 various LPs 15:14 the 1991 German trash “Systematic Marsmurder – Neuroziel”. Not THAT rare. 15:29 various LPs 17:22 Portuguese folk LP “Carlos do Carmo – Um Homem Na Cidade”. Not very rare and definitely overpriced. 17:36 Pentik (Finnish) design candelabrums for cheap 17:43 unique stuff: a collapsible golf putter 17:50 Sony FM headphones 18:04 a rare but 1, not very sought-after 2, pop/schlager (so I didn’t bother either) self-release CD “Rolf Wirtanen – Jälkeen 1979” 18:11 stamps 18:19 binoculars 18:39 a pretty pricy Gold Star 752 tape deck. Web prices are equally high. Dunno why one should prefer this to some more mainstream deck with significantly more available spare parts? Doesn’t really seem to have anything special like three heads etc. 19:22 Spider-man for the XBOX OG, PAL, w/o manual and pretty scratched. Purchased. 19:37 a Finnish comic series on horses 19:52 a Finnish book on dolls 20:55 a Finnish book on paintings on Lapland 21:42 receipt Photos: Music: Ketsa, licensed with permission from the Independent Music Licensing Collective -

I insamlingen Presidentinvaalit Suomessa 2024


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