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Path to the Quay´s House, Polku Quayn talolle, Veli Granö

Veli Granö

This film is based on the Anne Pajuluoma´s story. She told me how she met first time the holy man Quay. Quay is living on the mountain on planet Sirius. In film you can see her trip to the Quays house and at the same time she is telling about this fantastic trip. The film is silent. It is 400 feet long and duration is about 10 minutes. This film is like Anne´s path to the Quays house. Also the film have it´s length and the duration. In the installation version Tähteläinen/Star dweller it was set on the wall like the shape of this mountain. Anne died 9th of Dec 2013

#Anne_Pajuluoma #Veli_Granö #Star_dweller #living_on_sirius #video_art

I insamlingen Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).