Arkiverat nätmaterial tillgänglig på dataterminaler för friexemplar på friexemplarsbibliotekens lokaler. Mer info på info sidan.

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Composition: Sounds of Calligraphy Composer: Janne Särkelä / Sarana Partitur: Vuokko Koho Title: Uncials on Canal Grande Live video matrix is analyzed and sound waves and processing properties are derived from the image information. The pitches are based on color channel luminosity; they control the frequency the matrix is read in three parallel processes. The resulting sound is fed into an image controlled 16x3 channel filter with image controlled cut off, resonance and panorama.

I insamlingen Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (Vimeo).