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Climate change. Tax evasion by big companies and the richest people. Competition with increasingly worse working conditions. The power of artificial intelligence and digital giants. Faced with these questions, there is no need to give up, nor start a race to the bottom. We have the EU for these biggest issues. The market is common, and therefore there must also be common rules for human rights and the protection of the workers, climate and biodiversity. #europeanelections #europeanparliament #left #vasemmisto #leftalliance #climatechange #workersrights


Climate change. Tax evasion by big companies and the richest people. Competition with increasingly worse working conditions. The power of artificial intelligence and digital giants. Faced with these questions, there is no need to give up, nor start a race to the bottom. We have the EU for these biggest issues. The market is common, and therefore there must also be common rules for human rights and the protection of the workers, climate and biodiversity. #europeanelections #europeanparliament #left #vasemmisto #leftalliance #climatechange #workersrights

I insamlingen Suomen europarlamenttivaalit 2024


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