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Hjärtligt glad lucia! 🌟 Happy Lucia Day! 🪽 Hyvää Lucian päivää! 👼 Remember to have a peaceful day. Caution: Avoid using Giggelis in windy conditions, especially overhead. The video represents a controlled stunt. Replicating it, especially with burning candles, is not advised. If using candles, ensure they are on a stable, non-flammable surface, away from flammable materials. Never leave burning candles unattended, and keep them out of reach of children and pets. Practice fire safety always. #högtider #lucia #kallio #helsinki

Hjärtligt glad lucia! 🌟 Happy Lucia Day! 🪽 Hyvää Lucian päivää! 👼 Remember to have a peaceful day. Caution: Avoid using Giggelis in windy conditions, especially overhead. The video represents a controlled stunt. Replicating it, especially with burning candles, is not advised. If using candles, ensure they are on a stable, non-flammable surface, away from flammable materials. Never leave burning candles unattended, and keep them out of reach of children and pets. Practice fire safety always. #högtider #lucia #kallio #helsinki

I insamlingen Lucian päivä 2023 = Luciadagen 2023


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (TikTok).