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MUU Galleria - Pasi Autio, 15 January - 21 February, 2016
― MUUgalleria
Pasi Autio: My Voice, My Grip, My Memories, My Time – moving image and sound 15.1. – 21.2.2016, MUU Gallery My Voice, My Grip, My Memories, My Time consists of videos that take as their starting point the dynamic between the human mind and the environment – their encounter, interaction and separateness. In my exploration of the dual concepts of the theme, I use moving image and sound so that when an image represents external reality, the voice represents the internal reality of the mind, and vice versa. Through the alteration of the relationship between image and sound, I have sought to illuminate the connection between the mind and external reality in different ways. Every work in the exhibition has its own world, however, its own references and its distinct visual idiom. Some of the works are prosaic and realistic images referencing the visual observations of a person, others consist of abstract images of darkness in which light is used to conjure up visions that allude to the person’s memories, associations or thoughts. Shot in the dark, these videos hover between recognisability and unrecognisability. Although the mood of the exhibition is melancholy and characterised by a sense of resignation and transience, just as the title of the show, My Voice, My Grip, My Memories, My Time, seems to suggest, I nevertheless hope that in its meanderings and exuberance it would remind the viewer of the diversity of life, its surprises and abundance. Supported by Alfred Kordelinin yleinen edistys- ja sivistysrahasto, Helsingin kaupunki, Suomen Kulttuurirahasto, Suomen Kulttuurirahasto Uudenmaan rahasto, Taiteen edistämiskeskus, Taiteen edistämiskeskus Uusimaa Video by MUU Media Base / M.M.,
I insamlingen Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide
Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).