Arkiverat nätmaterial tillgänglig på dataterminaler för friexemplar på friexemplarsbibliotekens lokaler. Mer info på info sidan.

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Materialet tillgänglig endast på friexemplarsstationer

An animation of sun images that have been manually deconstructed by opening the image in code form, and then doing alterations of the code. Each deconstucted image has been saved as a frame for the animation. Sound part of the video is equally processed: image files opened as sound files and then slightly processed. The point of the animation is to open a perspective to the digital sphere; we often work with digital means, but don't really consider the digitality itself as a material for an art work.

I insamlingen Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (Vimeo).