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Sound of a Dead Body was performed with a custom-made instrument consisting of a circuit oscillator box that measures conductivity from graphite traces along the paper. These traces are converted into audio signals and amplified through the instrument, giving the possibility to modify its pitch and generate a variety of sounds. The oscillator box enables the real time sonification of a drawing, extending its properties from a silent two-dimensional piece to an artwork that has the capability of stimulate sensory perception through an aural dimension. A drawing can be seen as the outcome of a private communication process in between the mind and the hand’s muscles; it remains as an intimate act between the artist and his/her practise. It is through its sonification that the tones and colors of that drawing process can be shared with an audience. Once both graphite bars/pencils make contact with the canvas, sounds travel from the darkness of graphite to mind cracks and unknown places. Sound then unifies with drawing into time and space; making visible the invisible and audible the imperceptible. Presented at: Women communicating across and through arts. Kulttuurikeskus Caisa. Helsinki, Finland. Performance during the opening of the exhibition 5.3.2015.

I insamlingen Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (Vimeo).