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Kuka voisi unohtaa? (Live looping with Voicelive 3 by Janne Koskela)

Janne Koskela music / Timbre Tones Microphones

Briefly in English below! Pieni kylä jossain kolmannessa maailmassa. Tahi Suomen rajaseudulla Isonvihan aikaan. Sissit tulevat yöllä ja ottavat mitä tahtovat, kenenkään estämättä. Missä on oikeus? Missä Jumala, kaikkien tuomari ja köyhien suojelija? Sellaisia asioita pohditaan tässä laulussa, joka on yhtä aikaa kuvitteellinen ja pelottavan totta. Olen saarnannut laulun teemojen pohjalta v. 2009 ja suosittelen kuuntelemaan tuon saarnan Vihan miekasta. This song was inspired by what is so common in every region under war. The querillas come into a distant village in the jungle/mountains/woods and take whatever they wish, killing, stealing and raping, leaving behind the poignant question: Where is God? Or what is He doing, when these things happen? Where is justice? Where is retaliation? Philosophically, we are left without an answer that would fully satisfy our reason. But from the Christian faith's point of view, God does not leave us without an answer. He's send Christ Jesus, His only Begotten Son to suffer with us and what's more important, to suffer for us, redeem us from sin, death and the evil one so that one day all the tears are gently wiped from our eyes. The forgiveness of sins applies to the sins committed by us but as well to the ones committed against us.

#Live_Looping #Janne_Koskela #terz_guitar #TC_Helicon_Voicelive_3 #Blue_encore_300

In harvest Musiikkikeräys 2018

Original source:

The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).