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Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla

Pokemon Black and White Wifi Battle #25 [5000 SUBS/1 YEAR SPECIAL!] vs. RevolutionX1600


Thank you everyone for 5000 subs and thanks for making my first year on YouTube a huge success! Without you people I woundn't be making these videos. On January 9th 2010, I started my channel and here we are now. Amazing. So here's an EPIC battle I had during my live stream against a fellow youtuber RevolutionX1600. I was just about to stop streaming but then Rev wanted a battle and it turned out to be a close one! It all came down to the wire. Like, Comment and Sub(stitute)! Rev's channel:

#Pokemon #Black #and #White #TheFlamingSpade #Spade #Narrated #wifi #battle #random #pokes #PokeMoshPit #vs #recorder #yt:stretch=16:9

Keräyksessä Pelit 2020


Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).