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Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla

The Percival Passage - HITMAN 3 Deluxe Escalation


Here's the second HITMAN 3 Deluxe Escalation, The Percival Passage. All three levels with Silent Assassin, Suit Only. Arguably the least fun of the deluxe escalations. Very strict objectives, very little changes made to the actual level. Pretty much feels like a regular ordinary person escalation that they do for free. Unlocks the Formal Hunting Attire and Bartoli hunting shotgun used in the video, plus a leather Hunter's Briefcase. More Escalations and Elusive Targets: HITMAN 3 story playthrough: I had to sell my house and starve for 4 months to afford HITMAN 3 and the Deluxe upgrade. Level 1: (00:00) Level 2: (05:01) Level 3: (09:04)

#hitman_3 #the_percival_passage #deluxe_escalation #JohnnyDFox #carlisle_manor #all_levels #silent_assassin #suit_only #stealth #undetected #video_game #ps4 #walkthrough #playthrough #gameplay #gaming #playstation_4 #Io-Interactive #dlc #downloadable_content #hunter_outfit #dartmoor #formal_hunting_attire #bartoli_hunting_shotgun

Keräyksessä Pelit 2020


Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).