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HITMAN 3 - 4. End Of An Era
― JohnnyDFox
47 and Olivia are now in a tough spot as the ICA is unlikely to just give up the chase and Providence and the Constant are only getting stronger in the meanwhile. Something has to be done about the situation and because it would take much too long for 47, without Diana's help, to individually kill every ICA employee, he opts to instead reveal the existence of the ICA to the whole world. This should force the ICA out of business and leave 47 and Olivia free to pursue better things In order to leak the info to the public, 47 must manually access the main ICA server located in Chongqing, China, but handling of the data on the server can only be authorized by two overseers, Imogen Royce and Hush. There is a way around however, as the server will revert to a failsafe state if both overseers were to suddenly die, leaving it vulnerable for Olivia to hack. Thus, 47's mission tonight is to kill both Hush and Royce before accessing the data core and uploading ICA's files to the internet.
#hitman_3 #chongqing #end_of_an_era #JohnnyDFox #agent_47 #ica_facility #path_of_least_resistance #china #imogen_royce #hush #impulse_control #mission_story #certainty_principle #mind_control_chair #server_room #fired #fiber_wire #strangulation #poisoned_noodles #ps4 #playstation_4 #facility_tour #silent_assassin #professional #story #briefing #Io-Interactive #video_game #walkthrough #gaming #playthrough #gameplay #mr._pritchard #super_special_door #mnemonic #cutscene #action #stealth #undetected
Keräyksessä Pelit 2020
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