Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla
Red scout likes scatterguns and hates snipers
― mipera
My first gmod project. Music: DBZ - briefs III Adventures of tintin Joulupukin töissä (In santas workshop) Killzone 3 escape from helghan dont mess with the mawlr Amnesia: the dark descent ambient music Mortal Kombat subway music Valteq: I made this video to entertain my friends and finnish subscribers, but since im porbably going to make more gmod videos, i descided to start by making this a bit more accessible to other people. The video contains my friends as characters so that's why the names are there. I won't link them here because they give finnish content.
#Mikkomies #gmod #red #scout #medic #heavy #sandvich #mortal #kombat #sub #zero #scorpion #smoke #rubberfruit #scattergun #sniper #headshot #random #strange #wtf #omg #lol #airplanes #tf2 #team #fortress
Keräyksessä Pelit 2015
Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).