Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla
Roberto Pugliese: The Space of a Year - an exhibition in MUU Gallery 7 February - 2 March 2014
― MUUgalleria
Roberto Pugliese: The Space of a Year, 7.2.-2.3.2014, MUU Gallery. Video documentation: Marja Helena Kinnunen. The Space of a Year is a multichannel audiovisual installation, played in a 20-minute loop. Projections are cast on opposite walls, and sound is diffused from four speakers placed in a rectangular formation. Contact microphones are placed on the floor, letting people in the space activate an alternative soundscape with their footsteps. The composition consists of highly processed images and sound material collected in different seasons of the year. In particular, the field recordings include the sound of footsteps on different surfaces (sand, leaves, snow, etc.) in different conditions throughout the year (ice, snow, rain, dry and wet material). These sounds echo and follow closely visitors' exploration of the augmented space. Visitors witness how sounds coming from under their feet is gradually transformed into an integral component of the overall composition. The sounds activated by the visitor create a physical and intimate relation with the installation space. Roberto Pugliese (ITA/FI, b. 1980) is a sound and media artist and researcher based in Helsinki. Consisting of compositions, installations and performances, his work is often concerned with the concept of interface and based on the augmentation of physical media. By collecting, processing and coupling audio and visual material, Pugliese works toward a common language among visual and sonic imaginaries. His installations often use sound and its transformation to establish alternative relations between the visitor and the space.
Keräyksessä Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide
Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).