Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla
MUU Kaapeli - Juha Sääski, 15 January - 21 February 2016
― MUUgalleria
Juha Sääski: Life on Screen - paintings 15.1. – 21.2.2016, MUU Cable What is our understanding and interpretation of messages in the media? In the words of a John Fogerty song: “I know it is true, oh so true, ‘cause I saw it on TV.” My paintings are visualisations of distanced views on our relationship to the media, our addiction to them and the confusion that they create. I am convinced that mainstream media reinforce alienation and blur our sense of reality, which in turn facilitate the misuse of political and economic power that has led to the current crisis of democracy. The majority of all information is received through screens of all kinds; in my paintings, the TV screen is used as a collective symbol for them all. In my paintings, I use surreal and absurd metaphors that are nevertheless not too far removed from the view of reality conveyed by mainstream media. The thematics of my work derive from the values and ideas upheld by the content of most TV channels: presenting violence as entertainment, reinforcing superficial stereotypes, instilling the identity of a dutiful consumer into viewers from childhood, and general hollowness of content. Life on Screen in MUU Cable is the second show by Juha Sääski in MUU. He exhibited at MUU Gallery in 2008. Video by MUU Media Base / M.M.,
Keräyksessä Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide
Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).